Social responsibility policy

In the CZ AUTO SYSTEMS a.s. social responsibility is linked to the commitment to contribute to sustainable development and responsible business practices through economic, environmental and social responsibility. We see it as a voluntary commitment to behave responsibly to the environment and society in which we operate.


1. An integral part of our environmental protection is responsibility and sustainability in production. Based on continuous implementation
of state-of-the-art technologies to reduce energy consumption and increase equipment efficiency, the company reduces the environmental impact of production.

2. A comprehensive solution for process fluids, oils and all lubricants results in greater efficiency in lubricant use, reduced waste and an overall reduction in the costs of machine and equipment lubrication, repairs and maintenance.


1. The company is convinced that economic success can only be sustained by behaving according to the rules. To ensure compliance with moral and ethical principles and procedures in accordance with the law, the company has established a compliance management system. We strictly observe the company's code of ethics.

2. We focus our attention and energy where quality is produced and where it can be influenced without unnecessary cost increases.

3. Satisfied customers are an important condition for the success of our business. That is why we place high demands on product quality and our reliability of supply.


1. We focus on employee development and career development based on a training plan.

2. The work commitment of employees is influenced by various motivational tools and a wide range of benefits.

3. The company established the "Můj lékař" (my doctor) health centre, which provides medical services to current and former company employees and their family members. However, the health centre staff is ready to provide appropriate medical care to anyone who is interested.

4. The company organizes an open day for family members and the general public. Visitors can see the production process with commented explanation.